Hello my dear friends, I’m so happy to announce and introduce my new baby company: Photo Booth Boutique!
I just want to share with you a little background on how & why this new business concept came about. We all know that Event planners and brides put forth a lot of energy into creating a cohesive theme with beautiful colors and designs. And so after shooting so many weddings and noticing the Photo Booth, a big black box, in the corners of the reception or entrances of their venues, I thought it was time for something new and fresh! Why not have a photo booth that will take all those colors and elements into consideration?!
Photo Booth Boutique still brings all the fun and excitement any booth can bring, however, does it with style! We offer custom backgrounds and set designs that will match your wedding or event. Even without a custom background, our Photo Booth is a white, sleek & elegant booth that is sure to enhance, not take away from your beautiful weddings!
Please come by and visit our website for more information at: www.PhotoBoothBoutique.com
And be sure to check out our FB page for upcoming events & specials at www.facebook.com/photoboothboutiqueFL